July 27, 2024



  • Georg Aumayr

    Head of R&D Johanniter Österreich Country: Austria About Georg Aumayr: I am Head of Research Department for Johanniter in Austria. I studied Communication, History and Psychology at the University of Vienna and i am working on my PhD on Adherence and Compliance. I am part of boards in Austria for the topics Ambient Assisted Living, …
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  • Martina Geroe

    Nursing Scientist and Researcher Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe in Österreich Country: Austria About Martina Geroe: I’m a Nursing Scientist working at the Research Department of the “Johanniter” in Austria. I’m working on different national and international projects for health promotion, AAL and eHealth and I’m also an OEP Leader as well as a Otago Cascade Trainer. My aim …
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