September 01, 2024



  • Kristina Nordmark

    Development leader Region Västerbotten Country: Sweden About Kristina Nordmark: Development leader at FoU Västerbotten, Region Västerbotten. Provides support to local governments in their efforts to improve for older people. ProfouND Role: Västerbotten will, coordinated by FoU Västerbotten, contribute to WPs3,4&7 providing input, feedback and translation on toolkits and best practice guidance, updating website content and …
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  • Åsa Bygdeson

    Development leader Research and development region Västerbotten Sweden Country: United Kingdom About Åsa Bygdeson: My basic training is as a nurse in primary care. Since three years I work in R & D Region Västerbotten with development issues in gerontology. My main tasks are to implement national nursing register in the municipal health care. ProfouND …
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