July 16, 2024

Falls and Fractures Consensus Statement Public Health England

Falls and Fractures Consensus Statement Public Health England

The National Falls Prevention Coordination Group (NFPCG) is made up of organisations involved in the prevention of falls, care for falls-related injuries and the promotion of healthy ageing. It was formed with the aim of coordinating and supporting falls prevention activity in England. At the first NFPCG meeting in July  2016, it was agreed that the range of different professions and providers carrying out falls and fracture prevention activities, and the different ways of resourcing  these, created the need for a consensus on ways to support and encourage ‘whole-system’ local commissioning. This document outlines interventions and approaches that the group recommends commissioners and strategic leads in local areas consider, and details the activities that NFPCG members have committed to take in order to support effective commissioning and provision. The intended audience for this document is those local commissioning and strategic leads in  England with a remit for falls, bone health and healthy ageing. Following publication, the NFPCG intend to initiate a programme of work to support local commissioning activity which will be underpinned by the commitments outlined in this document. The document can be found here.

falls and fractures england

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