July 16, 2024

Comparative study of occurrence of depression in the third age in closed and open structures of elderly care according to the Hamilton depression Scale

Comparative study of occurrence of depression in the third age in closed and open structures of elderly care according to the Hamilton depression Scale

This paper (in Greek) is written by Mrs G. Zintrou RN, G. Vasilopoulou, RN, Ch.Vakali, RN, Lecturer Mrs G. Gerogianni, Assistant Prof E. Kaba and Associate Prof F. Babatsikou and published originally in a Greek Journal, Vima tou Asklipiou (Vol 13 (2): 144:159, 2014). It presents the prevalence of depression in the elderly, both in the community and in closed structures in Greece.

It can be downloaded here

Comparative study of occurrence of depression in the third age in closed and open structures of elderly care according to the Hamilton depression Scale Reviewed by on .



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