This leaflet in German is provided by the project "Schritt halten - aktiv älter werden in Reutlingen", a ...
Bone Health Leaflet (German)
Bone Health Leaflet (German)
Exercise program for your feet (German)
Exercise program for your feet (German)
Take the bus! (Leaflet in German)
Take the bus! (Leaflet in German)
Facts about falls leaflet – Older People and Professionals (English)
Facts about falls leaflet – Older People and Professionals (English)
Vision and Falls Leaflet for Older People (English)
Vision and Falls Leaflet for Older People (English)
Cartoons about fall prevention (Dutch)
Cartoons about fall prevention (Dutch)
Fall Prevention Leaflet (Dutch)
Fall Prevention Leaflet (Dutch)
Best Practice in Falls prevention – 4 evidence based interventions (Dutch)
Best Practice in Falls prevention – 4 evidence based interventions (Dutch)