This is the valid and reliable Arabic version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International. Translated into ...
Falls Efficacy Scale-International Arabic (FES-I (Ar))
Falls Efficacy Scale-International Arabic (FES-I (Ar))
Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Arabic Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) (English)
Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Arabic Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) (English)
Brochure “Introduction to falls prevention” (German)
Brochure “Introduction to falls prevention” (German)
Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community (Cochrane review)
Exercise for reducing fear of falling in older people living in the community (Cochrane review)
Fear of falling: measurement strategy, prevalence, risk factors and consequences among older persons
Fear of falling: measurement strategy, prevalence, risk factors and consequences among older persons
More evidence is needed to show whether or not altering the physical home environment by removing potential hazards reduces injuries (Turner et al 2011)
More evidence is needed to show whether or not altering the physical home environment by removing potential hazards reduces injuries (Turner et al 2011)
Quality in Health (Greek Language)
Quality in Health (Greek Language)
Online Video: A Matter of Balance
Online Video: A Matter of Balance
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
Matter of Balance Fear of Falling Interventions Manual
Matter of Balance Fear of Falling Interventions Manual