This video in German shows falls prevention exercises in a rehabilitation centre in Germany. The exercise ...
Online Video: Falls Prevention in a Geriatric Rehabilitation Centre in Germany
Online Video: Falls Prevention in a Geriatric Rehabilitation Centre in Germany
Webinar: “The Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (STEADI) Tool Kit”
Webinar: “The Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (STEADI) Tool Kit”
What works in fall prevention. (Dutch)
What works in fall prevention. (Dutch)
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
Preventing Falls – a Patient Guide (German)
Preventing Falls – a Patient Guide (German)
Risk of falls (Swedish)
Risk of falls (Swedish)
Informació i consells per a promoure la salut visual (Catalan)
Informació i consells per a promoure la salut visual (Catalan)
Información y consejos para promover la salud visual (Spanish)
Información y consejos para promover la salud visual (Spanish)
Información y consejos para promover la alimentación saludable entre las personas mayores (Spanish)
Información y consejos para promover la alimentación saludable entre las personas mayores (Spanish)