This resource contains the learning from the FallSafe falls prevention project, care bundle information a ...
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
Preventing Falls – a Patient Guide (German)
Preventing Falls – a Patient Guide (German)
Risk of falls (Swedish)
Risk of falls (Swedish)
Guidelines to prevent and treat osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures (Norwegian)
Guidelines to prevent and treat osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures (Norwegian)
The assessment and prevention of falls in older people (NICE Guideline)
The assessment and prevention of falls in older people (NICE Guideline)
After hip replacement surgery (short leaflet in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (short leaflet in Greek)
After knee replacement surgery (in Greek)
After knee replacement surgery (in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (in Greek)
Fall risk assessment (Norwegian)
Fall risk assessment (Norwegian)
Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals, Cochrane Review (English)
Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals, Cochrane Review (English)