This is the Italian version of the ProFouND Factsheets. The booklet includes these following topic areas: ...
ProFouND Factsheets (Italian)
ProFouND Factsheets (Italian)
FRAT-UP: A web-based tool for evaluating the fall risk of people aged 65 or up living in the community
FRAT-UP: A web-based tool for evaluating the fall risk of people aged 65 or up living in the community
Guide for advice on selection of footwear for older people (in Spanish)
Guide for advice on selection of footwear for older people (in Spanish)
What works in fall prevention. (Dutch)
What works in fall prevention. (Dutch)
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)