July 16, 2024

Reliability of the Tinetti Mobility Test (TMS) in the Elderly in Greece

Reliability of the Tinetti Mobility Test (TMS) in the Elderly in Greece

This paper (in Greek) is written by physiotherapist Mrs Eleni Katsakiori, Ass Prof N Agelousis, Prof M Michalopoulou, and Ass Prof V Gourgoulis and published originally in a Greek Journal, Physiotherapy Issues (Vol 4 (1): 5:11, 2006).

It presents the reliability of the Tinetti Mobility Test (TMS), for the fall risk assessment in elderly people from the Greek population and it was a part of Mrs Eleni Katsakiori MSc Thesis for the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Democritus University οf Thrace

It can be downloaded here

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