September 01, 2024

Wim Rogmans

Wim Rogmans

secretary general



About Wim Rogmans:

The European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (EuroSafe) is a non-governmental organisation, representing 35 national organisations working in one or more sectors within the field of injury prevention and safety promotion. Members of EuroSafe represent health and safety agencies, research bodies, private sector organisations such as insurance agencies, and civil society organisations, i.e. those who can effectively influence public policies and implement programmes and infrastructures with regard to safety in daily life. EuroSafe is the lead organisation for the exchange good practices in injury research and prevention in Europe through its networking programmes, publications and the series of bi-annual European Injury Conferences. It is in official relationship with the World Health Organization’s programme for violence and injury prevention and disability.

ProfouND Role:

EuroSafe coordinates WP8, to bring about national and regional uptake, implementation and dissemination and thus will act to foster dissemination and implementation of best practice interventions across Europe, and will help identify and support test beds for implementation.

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