The pilot European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) aims to increase the ave ...
FARSEEING – FAll Repository for the design of Smart and sElf-adaptive Environments prolonging INdependent living (FP7-ICT)
FARSEEING – FAll Repository for the design of Smart and sElf-adaptive Environments prolonging INdependent living (FP7-ICT)
WIISEL – Wireless Insole for Independent and Safe Elderly Living (FP7-ICT)
WIISEL – Wireless Insole for Independent and Safe Elderly Living (FP7-ICT)
USEFIL – Unobtrusive Smart Environments for Independent Living (FP7-ICT)
USEFIL – Unobtrusive Smart Environments for Independent Living (FP7-ICT)
iSTOPPFALLS – ICT based System to Predict & Prevent Falls (FP7-ICT)
iSTOPPFALLS – ICT based System to Predict & Prevent Falls (FP7-ICT)
I-DONT-FALL – Integrated prevention and Detection sOlutioNs Tailored to the population and Risk Factors associated with FALLs (CIP)
I-DONT-FALL – Integrated prevention and Detection sOlutioNs Tailored to the population and Risk Factors associated with FALLs (CIP)
Giraff+ – Combing social interaction and long term monitoring for promoting independent living (FP7-ICT)
Giraff+ – Combing social interaction and long term monitoring for promoting independent living (FP7-ICT)
FATE – Fall Detector for the Elder (CIP)
FATE – Fall Detector for the Elder (CIP)
AMACS – Automatic monitoring of Actitiviies of Daily Living using Contactless Sensors (FP7 ERA-NET)
AMACS – Automatic monitoring of Actitiviies of Daily Living using Contactless Sensors (FP7 ERA-NET)
Ageing Well Thematic Network
Ageing Well Thematic Network
ROSETTA – Guidance and Awareness Services for Independent Living (AAL)
ROSETTA – Guidance and Awareness Services for Independent Living (AAL)