This online leaflet is published by the OsteoLink website. OsteoLink is an initiative of the Internationa ...
Ways to reduce falls among the elderly (Greek)
Ways to reduce falls among the elderly (Greek)
LiFE – Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise: Reducing falls and improving function.
LiFE – Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise: Reducing falls and improving function.
Online Video: Falls prevention class (Greek)
Online Video: Falls prevention class (Greek)
Causes of falls (Greek)
Causes of falls (Greek)
The assessment and prevention of falls in older people (NICE Guideline)
The assessment and prevention of falls in older people (NICE Guideline)
Implementation of fallprevention programmes (review)
Implementation of fallprevention programmes (review)
After hip replacement surgery (short leaflet in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (short leaflet in Greek)
After knee replacement surgery (in Greek)
After knee replacement surgery (in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (in Greek)
Fall prevention manual (Norwegian)
Fall prevention manual (Norwegian)
Group-training in Trondheim (Norway)
Group-training in Trondheim (Norway)