December 26, 2024

Clemens Becker

Clemens Becker

Head of the Department of Geriatric Medicine



About Clemens Becker:

Born 12th of September 1955 is currently head of the Department of Geriatric Medicine and and Rehabilitation at the Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus (RBK) and a scientist at the Robert Bosch Gesellschaft für Medizinische Forschung (RBMF) Stuttgart with currently 14 research staff members. Since 2012 Clemens Becker is professor at the Institute of Sport and Movement Science, University of Stuttgart. He worked from 1993 to 2003 as a consultant in Giessen and Ulm. He is specialized in internal medicine and geriatrics since 1992. He received his MD at the University of Heidelberg and the post-doctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation) at the University of Ulm. In 2002 he changed his medical teaching affiliation to the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen. His main research interests are fall prevention, epidemiology of falls and fractures, geriatric rehabilitation, and gerontechnology. He is member of the European Academy for Medicine on Ageing since 1997 and member of several societies including the Germany Society of Geriatric Medicine.
Clemens has published more than 200 articles in these areas. Among recent publications are:
Becker C & Chiari L. What videos can tell us about falling. Lancet. 2013 Jan 5;381(9860):8-9. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61724-3. Epub 2012 Oct 17.
Becker C, et al. Proposal for a multiphase fall model based on real-world fall recordings with body-fixed sensors. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2012 Dec;45(8):707–715. doi: 10.1007/s00391-012-0403-6
Becker C, et l. Reduction of Femoral Fractures in Long-Term Care Facilities: The Bavarian Fracture Prevention Study. PLoS ONE 2011; 6(8): e24311. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024311.
Other publications can be seen here.

Portfolio of research funding:
Aside from several European projects, e.g. ProFaNE, SensAction-AAL, ProFounD, FARSEEING he has been leading several consortia on fall and fracture prevention financed by the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) such as PrOFinD and the Bavarian Fall and Fracture Prevention studies. Other project on rehabilitation and fall prevention were funded by the German Ministries of Social Affairs (BMA), the German Ministry of Health (BMG) and the German Ministry of Familiy and Senior Affairs (BMFSFJ).
Other activities:
He is a peer reviewer for a range of journals including the NEJM, the Lancet, and the BMJ. He is an associate editor of BMC Geriatrics and Aging Clinical Exper Res. Jury activities include the Harkness Fellowship Program, Deutscher Alterspreis. Funding reviewing has been performed for: BMBF, MRC, ZonW, and the Norwegian Research Council.
On a personal note:
Clemens lives with his journalist wife. They have three children and two grandchildren. He likes and sometimes plays Jazz music is an outdoor person.

ProfouND Role:

Clemens is leading the collaboration of work package 4. This includes the search and approval of video material and fall prevention, evidence synthesis and novel approaches in App development and the process of fall prevention and counseling.


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