July 16, 2024

Ilona-Elefteryja Lasica

Ilona-Elefteryja Lasica

Freelancer/ Technology Enhanced Learning & Knowledge Management
N.C.S.R. Demokritos



About Ilona-Elefteryja Lasica:

Ilona-Elefteryja Lasica (1989) holds a BSc. in “Digital Systems” (2010) and a M.Sc. in “Technology Education and Digital Systems” (Track: e-Learning) (2012) from the Department of Digital Systems University of Piraeus, Greece. Her research interests focus on Technology Enhanced Learning, Knowledge Management and Lifelong Learning. Ilona Lasica has worked for the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) for 2 years as a research assistant in relevant European Projects and now is cooperating with NCSR “Demokritos”. She has published many papers in National Conferences in Greece in the field of ICT in education. More about Ilona-Elefteryja Lasica at http://gr.linkedin.com/pub/ilona-elefteryja-lasica/1a/439/507

ProfouND Role:

Ilona-Elefteryja Lasica cooperates with NCSR Demokritos in the design and development of the ProFouND Online Training Platform delivering cascade training.


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