March 13, 2025

Kristina Larsson

Kristina Larsson

Planning secretary at the Umeå municipality social welfare services
Umeå municipality



About Kristina Larsson:

As a planning secretary at the social welfare services a typical day is hard to describe as each day holds something new. I work with project support and management development as well as quality steering and systematic quality delevopment and control.
As a project assistant, and later on local project manager, for the FP7 project CONFIDENCE (active 2008-2011) I got the opportunity to learn more about fallprevention and ICT as a support in fallpreventive work. My main skill is project management and strategic issues related to social welfare services.
On my free time I like to work with “problem solving” in videogames and rock climbing.

ProfouND Role:

My main role in ProFouND is the role of an enabler within our organisation. In my work as a project support I have been actively searching for opportunities for us to participate in projects within the field of fallprevention. Now when we are a part of the project my role is more or less to find ways within the organisation to work on the hands on activeties.


About The Author

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