February 13, 2025



Did you want to watch the Otago strength and balance exercises at home? Click on the video and you will hear an introduction to the value of these exercises and then be able to exercise along with Morag in a series of warm up, strength, balance and cool down exercises. This video lasts approximately one hour and you will need a reasonable broadband connection. Remember it is always best to check with your medical practitioner that your health is good enough to exercise safely at home if you are unused to exercise. However these exercises have been used in many research trials and have been shown to reduce falls risk and improve steadiness and stability.

Further Information:
Later Life Training (LLT), as part of the ProFouND project, have produced a ‘follow me’ DVD which can be viewed at home by older people to support their home falls prevention strength and balance exercise programme. You can view it and watch online as often as you like. You can also purchase an English language version of this DVD from http://www.laterlifetraining.co.uk/product/otago-follow-dvd/

All IPR, IP and associated IA whether registrable or not in the DVD, video footage and accompanying or associated materials remains the exclusive property of LLT.

You take responsibility for your own exercise programme. The authors and advisers of the exercises in this programme accept no liability. All content is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own medical practitioner or any other health care professional. Health care professionals using these exercises do so at their own risk.

Whilst these exercises have been used in research trials and many thousands of older people do similar exercises from other home exercise videos/DVDs, the authors do not know you, your medical conditions or physical fitness and cannot give advice tailored to you, your medical condition or physical function. The authors cannot guarantee the safety or effectiveness of this program of exercises for you. Any noticeable changes in health, pain, mobility or falls should prompt a visit to your medical practitioner. This video/DVD should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice of your doctor.


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