This article by Hadeel Halaweh and colleagues is the results from a cross cultural adaptation study. The ...
Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Arabic Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) (English)
Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Arabic Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) (English)
The impact of fear of falling, falls and gender of the quality of life in elderly people
The impact of fear of falling, falls and gender of the quality of life in elderly people
Comparative study of occurrence of depression in the third age in closed and open structures of elderly care according to the Hamilton depression Scale
Comparative study of occurrence of depression in the third age in closed and open structures of elderly care according to the Hamilton depression Scale
Online Video: The Four Test Balance Scale (Dutch)
Online Video: The Four Test Balance Scale (Dutch)
What works in fall prevention. (Dutch)
What works in fall prevention. (Dutch)
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
Royal College of Physicians FallSafe falls prevention resources in English
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
NSW Falls Prevention Network (English)
Implementation of fallprevention programmes (review)
Implementation of fallprevention programmes (review)