July 16, 2024

Francesco Benvenuti

Francesco Benvenuti

MD, Geriatrician
Azienda USL11 (AUSL11) of Empoli, Italy



About Francesco Benvenuti:

Director of the Rehabilitation and Geriatric Services of AUSL11 of Tuscany. Contract professor at schools of Physiotherapy and Movement Sciences of the University of Florence.

ProfouND Role:

AUSL11 have the role in this project as both demonstration site for policy implementation strategies for large scale community-based exercise programs for persons with chronic disabilities and implementation site of evidence-based fall prevention programs. Within WP8 AUSL11 acts to disseminate and implement best practice interventions across their region in Italy, and will act as a test bed for implementations. For WP6 it provides data on process and outcome variables. AUSL11 also participates in WPs3,4&7 providing input, feedback and translation on toolkits and best practice guidance, updating website content and supporting ICT Technology for Falls Forum activities.


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