Doctoral student
About Greet Baldewijns:
I’m an engineer in ICT who is pursuing a PhD within the AdvISe research group of the KULeuven Belgium. The focus of my research lies in the estimation of the fall risk of a person in his or her home environment using contactless sensors. This research is performed within the FallRisk project. The iMinds ICON FallRisk project will design and develop non-stigmatizing, holistic services in view of the automated follow up of fallrisk and the multi-sensor and contextual detection of fall incidents. Other projects concerning fall prevention and detection which are performed by our research group are the FallCam and AMACS projects.
ProfouND Role:
We are an assisiate member of the ProFouND consortium and I represent Bart Vanrumste. My expertise lies in the technological side of fall detection / prevention.