This is a freely downloadable Portugese Otago home exercise booklet based on the Otago home exercise programme to prevent falls. Based on the Otago indivi ...
strength and balance home exercise programme (for older or more frail older people with poor balance and strength but able to stand)
- Danish
- Dutch
- Dutch(Flemish)
- English
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Portugese
- Portugese (South American)
strength and balance home exercise programme (for older people who are younger and a bit more active but still need to improve their strength and balance)
Chair based
home exercise programme (for older people who are very unstable and need to improve strength in a seated position first before moving onto the Otago programme)
This document from the UK has been translated into Greek for use by practitioners. It was translated by the Geriatric section of Panhellenic Physiotherapi ...
In this brochure provided by Later Life Training and translated by Rebekka Leonhardt, Karin Kampe and Stefanie Mikolaizak, Physiotherapista at Robert Bosc ...
This is a freely downloadable home exercise booklet based on the seated exercise shown to improve strength and flexibility. It is meant for those older pe ...
This is a freely downloadable Otago home exercise booklet based on the Otago home exercise programme to prevent falls. Based on the Otago individualised, ...
This is a freely downloadable home exercise booklet for older people to use at home. Based on the FaME Home Exercise Programme (Skelton DA et al. 2005, Ag ...
This is a freely downloadable home exercise booklet for older people to use at home. Based on the FaME Home Exercise Programme (Skelton DA et al. 2005, Ag ...
This information brochure in German was designed to inform our target group and their relatives. This short and simple brochure is widely distributed thro ...
The National Council on Aging has made an info-graphic about taking control of your health. This Greek leaflet includes six steps you can take to prevent ...
This Get Up and Go - leaflet target older persons at risk of falling and contain a 32-page guide to prevent falls. The leaflet is provided by ...
In this brochure provided by Later Life Training and translated by Apostolis Emmanouilidis, Physiotherapist, OEP Leader from the Municipality of Filadelfe ...
In this brochure provided by Later Life Training you will find advice how to get down and up from the floor safely. ...
In this brochure provided by Robert-Bosch-Hospital you will find advice how to improve you steadiness when standing and walking and how to reduce your fal ...
Essex’s new TUMBLES falls prevention booklet will be launched across the county in September. The booklet is designed to support patients with self-help i ...
This info graph on Fall Prevention target older people at risk of falling and professionals working with fall prevention. The info graph is provided by th ...
This leaflet in Spanish, developed by the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, addresses patients admitted to hospitals and their caregivers. ...
Essex’s new TUMBLES falls prevention booklet will be launched across the county in September. The booklet is designed to support patients with self-help i ...
This is a freely downloadable home exercise booklet for older people to use at home. Based on the FaME Home Exercise Programme (Skelton DA et al. 2005, Ag ...
This is a freely downloadable Flemish home exercise booklet based on the seated exercise shown to improve strength and flexibility. It is meant for those ...
This is a freely downloadable Dutch Otago home exercise booklet based on the Otago home exercise programme to prevent falls. Based on the Otago individual ...
This is a freely downloadable Dutch for Flemish Speakers Otago home exercise booklet based on the Otago home exercise programme to prevent falls. Based on ...
This is a freely downloadable home exercise booklet for older people to use at home. Based on the FaME Home Exercise Programme (Skelton DA et al. 2005, Ag ...
This is a freely downloadable Dutch home exercise booklet based on the seated exercise shown to improve strength and flexibility. It is meant for those ol ...
The Italian translation of the Otago Exercise Program; individualized, progressive home exercise programme, focusing on resistance and balance training, d ...
This leaflet in German is provided by the project "Schritt halten - aktiv älter werden in Reutlingen", a population-based intervention to increase physica ...
This online leaflet is published by the OsteoLink website. OsteoLink is an initiative of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the departmen ...
This leaflet, provided by VeiligheidNL (CSI), addresses older people who live in care facilities and contains information about home safety. The "Brochure ...
In this brochure provided by Later Life Training and translated by Rebekka Leonhardt, Karin Kampe and Stefanie Mikolaizak, Physiotherapista at Robert Bosc ...
This leaflet provided by the Norwegian Directorate of health addresses home dwelling older persons (65+). The content is based on the Norwegian guideline ...
This is a leaflet made by Västerbotten Läns Landsting in Sweden. The leaflet provides information about how to reduce risk of falls and includes a checkli ...
This leaflet in German, provided by the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention, addresses particularly older people and gives you a 3x3 exercise suggestion ...
This is a freely downloadable Flemish version of the Otago Home Exercise Programme based on the Otago home exercise programme to prevent falls. Based on t ...