This is a freely downloadable home exercise booklet for older people to use at home. Based on the FaME Ho ...
Strength and Balance Home Exercise Booklet for Older People (Dutch for Flemish Speakers)
Strength and Balance Home Exercise Booklet for Older People (Dutch for Flemish Speakers)
Otago Home Exercise Programme Booklet for Older People (Dutch for Flemish Speakers)
Otago Home Exercise Programme Booklet for Older People (Dutch for Flemish Speakers)
Ways to reduce falls among the elderly (Greek)
Ways to reduce falls among the elderly (Greek)
LiFE – Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise: Reducing falls and improving function.
LiFE – Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise: Reducing falls and improving function.
Causes of falls (Greek)
Causes of falls (Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (short leaflet in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (short leaflet in Greek)
After knee replacement surgery (in Greek)
After knee replacement surgery (in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (in Greek)
After hip replacement surgery (in Greek)
65 + exercises to stay fit (Norwegian)
65 + exercises to stay fit (Norwegian)
Exercise in fall prevention of patients with osteoporosis (Hungarian)
Exercise in fall prevention of patients with osteoporosis (Hungarian)
Keep fit by playing computer games (German)
Keep fit by playing computer games (German)
Parkinson’s disease and physical activity (German)
Parkinson’s disease and physical activity (German)