October 23, 2024

WP1 Management, Co-ordination, Sustainability, and Meetings

Work package 1 (WP1) is led by Professor Chris Todd at the University of Manchester, UK.

WP1 will take care of all management issues, ensuring smooth performance of the thematic network, communication with the EC and beyond to other stakeholders and interested parties, such as the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) and other EC Thematic Networks and EC funded projects.


The main work of WP1

  • – coordination and monitoring of network activity,
  • – administrative and financial management of the project,
  • – reporting and management of the thematic network and of knowledge generated or synthesised by the project,
  • – conflict resolution and monitoring of quality and timing,
  • – management of contacts with EC and other EU bodies,
  • – implementation of EC contract and consortium agreement,
  • – chair meetings of the Network Management Board (NMB), Expert Groups and Network Executive Committee (NEC),
  • – contingency plans and follow-up procedures.

Project management will also ensure legal compliance of the thematic network across EU, and ensure indemnification procedures related to interventions in place with partners. WP1 will also be responsible for the development and implementation of the sustainability strategy.


Network Management Board (NMB)

The NMB includes one member from each Partner and is chaired by the Professor Chris Todd. The NMB will meet at least 4 times (including virtual meetings) during the project duration (36 months): at the kick‐off meeting and at least once each year thereafter. In particular, the NMB is responsible for:

  • – oversight monitoring of work package (WP) progress and ensuring progress remains to schedule;
  • – oversight of deliverables
  • – decisions concerning the work plan and any major changes;
  • – decisions regarding any amendment to the terms of the EC contract and Consortium Agreement;
  • – decisions concerning possible premature completion/termination of the project;
  • – settling any disputes arising from network implementation;
  • – IPR‐related matters;
  • – press releases and joint publications by the partners with regard to the network.

Expert Groups

The NMB will be operatively supported by two informal groups: the ICT Expert Group and the Falls Expert Group. The Expert Groups shall be composed of co-opted persons from the partner institutions (e.g., WP leaders) and shall be responsible for:

  • – coordination and synergies among work packages;
  • – quality control of the deliverables;
  • – informing the Coordinator and the other partners of any event that may affect work schedule.

Advisory Panel

To strengthen the credibility and external validity of ProFouND NMB will be aided by an Advisory Panel of independent experts, a joint advisory board with E-NoFalls.

  • – Prof Stephen Lord, Neuroscience Research Australia;
  • – Dr Vicky Scott, British Columbia Ministry of Health, Canada;
  • – Dr Malcolm Linington, Intel Healthcare IT;
  • – Prof Niilo Saranummi, VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland;
  • – Dr Heribert Baldus, Philips Research Europe, The Netherlands.
  • – Dr Kamier Aminian, EPFL, Switzerland.

New members will be invited to join if they are needed as the network develops.

Network Executive Committee (NEC)

The NEC comprises the eight WP leaders (or their representative), the Network Administrator, and may also include co-opted members of partner institutions as needed. The NEC is responsible for:

  • – the month to month management of the network and especially co-ordination and the management of the work of the eight WPs;
  • – monitoring WP progress and ensure progress remains to schedule (including deliverables);
  • – resolving conflicts should they arise.


Those marked with * are not public. If you would like to request access to view these deliverables please contact us.
D1.1) Brief project presentation [month 1]
D1.2) Kick-off meeting & report [month 2]
D1.3) Management and communication guidelines [month 9]
D1.4) Interim periodic report: Period 1: First interim period report * [month 7]
D1.5) First periodic report: Period 1: First annual periodic report * [month 14]
D1.6) Draft business plan and sustainability strategy * [month 23]
D1.7) Second periodic report: Period 2: Second annual periodic report * [month 26]
D1.8) Business plan and sustainability strategy * [month 30]
D1.9) Third periodic report: Period 3: Third annual periodic report * [month 36]
D1.10) Final report: Activity report for months 1-36 [month 36]