October 22, 2024

WP7 ICT and Technology for Falls Forum

WP7 ICT and Technology for Falls Forum

Work package 7 (WP7) is led by Damian O’Connor at the European Connected Health Alliance, UK. Carmel Dickinson, Brian O’Connor and Chris Taylor support the WP.


The main work of WP7

WP7 focuses on the need to transform the quality and effectiveness of interventions for falls, including risk identification, fall detection, and promotion of complex interventions through the application of ICT-based assistive technology which can make an important contribution to the prevention and monitoring of falls in institutions and at home.

WP7 will facilitate and enable deployment of ICT and innovative solutions for falls detection, monitoring and prevention to support active and healthy ageing including but not limited to:

  • – early monitoring, fall detection and interventions aimed at supporting people in their own homes and preventing avoidable injuries, hospital admission and re-admission;
  • – novel motion and activity sensing systems to identify deteriorating gait, balance and stability;
  • – remote monitoring of long-term conditions that predispose elderly people to falls;
  • – door alarms and signal-transmitting devices to help prevent adverse events associated with wandering;
  • – electronic sensors and equipment including bed or chair occupancy sensors which have the potential to detect falls and trigger remote communication systems to alert a formal or informal care network;
  • – ICT-based solutions enabling integrated working between health and social care teams in hospitals, residential homes, the community and at home, facilitating multidisciplinary assessment treatment and rehabilitation of patients who have had a fall, or are at risk;
  • – as well as novel media and “gaming” approaches to promote physical activities which may prevent falls risks exacerbating.

Stimulation of developments in this area will also contribute to European competitiveness and provide advantage in the area of ICT developments. WP7 will work closely with E-NOFALLS.


Those marked with * are not public. If you would like to request access to view these deliverables please contact us.

D7.1) Launch of on-line marketplace and innovation factory platform [month 12]
D7.2) Promotion of at least one reference site, project or technology [month 12]
D7.3) Report on networking event to encourage partnerships * [month 24]
D7.4) Networking event to encourage partnerships between stakeholders [month 34]
D7.5) Report final ICT networking meeting [month 36]