October 22, 2024

WP2 Website Construction and Maintenance

WP2 Website Construction and Maintenance

Work package 2 (WP2) is led by Dr. Homer Papadopoulos at NCSR Demokritos.  The Website Manager and WebApp Developer is based at Demokritos, Greece.

WP2 provides the “face” of the Network and is also tasked with producing the ProFouND App – a user friendly interface for the creation of customised and tailored information for older people and providers of falls prevention services across Europe.


The main aims of the ProFouND website are to:

  • – provide the portal for sharing resources and innovation;
  • – allow secure data transfer and communication between stakeholder;
  • – provide a platform for discussion boards, crowdsourcing and distributed learning;
  • – provide a robust system of recording download data and engagement with areas of the site.

WP2 is made up of the team who created the ProFaNE (Prevention of Falls Network Europe) website. ProFaNE was an EC FP7 funded Thematic Network, led by Professor Chris Todd, which over the course of the 3 year funding and subsequent small funding for two years, created a Network of over 4000 members – the old ProFaNE project is now simply represented by an archive website. The new ProFaNE.co website created by Steve Richardson and Dawn Skelton after the end of the original ProFaNE project is highly successful, 100% community-supported endeavour and ProFouND does not in any way replace or compete with this – ProFaNE.co and ProFouND two are both very complimentary resources and as a falls prevention professional you should register for both.

ProFouND App

This system will permit production of tailored and customised guidance, including individualised management plans, and allow local services to add their own logos and photographs or illustrations, their own local services and opportunities for falls management and prevention and the uploading of content (provided by WP3) translated into local languages.

It is anticipated that a folder of copyright free images and illustrations will be made available to choose from a menu system. The output will downloaded in HTML, Microsoft Word or pdf (depending on needs of user) and will allow the content to be emailed directly if that is more appropriate.

The first iteration of the PFPApp will be dedicated to the provision of tailored information for community dwelling older people and the provision of tailored toolkits for those working with older people living in the community. The tailored information will direct the older person or their carer to complete a brief online survey to determine usefulness of the tailored information given and whether they have acted on any of the information in the leaflet.


All deliverables are publicly available.
D2.1) Website online: Basic ProFouND website with project information [month 2]
D2.2) Resources management system on ProFouND website [month 6
D2.3) Basic Platform for distance learning provision [month 6]
D2.4) Secure data transfer portal [month 12]
D2.5) PFP App online: PFP App online customisation & tailoring system for community dwelling older people (in English first). The technical infrastructure for ProFouND Fall Prevention App PFPApp for producing and delivering customised and tailored information to community dwelling older people and toolkits for different settings/organisations working with community dwelling older people on ProFouND website in English initially then available in at least 3 further languages by end of project. Update of PFPApp to include toolkits for those working with older people in hospitals or in care settings.[month 27]