October 22, 2024

Work Package Analysis

Work Package Analysis


WP1 Management Co-ordination, Sustainability and Meetings

WP1 will take care of all management issues, ensuring smooth performance of the thematic network, communication with the EC and beyond to other stakeholders and interested parties, such as the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) and other EC Thematic Networks and EC funded projects.

WP2 Website Construction and Maintenance

WP2 provides the “face” of the Network and is also tasked with producing the ProFouND App – a user friendly interface for the creation of customised and tailored information for older people and providers of falls prevention services across Europe.

WP3 Website Resources Content Management

WP3 is responsible for populating the resources library on this website. As such the website content will be constantly updated and resources added by experts in the field, who themselves keep up to date with the evidence.

WP4 Toolkit and Best Practice Guidance Development

The aim of WP4 is to produce the content for the PFPApp and also to produce a series of best practice objects that allow providers of services to produce their own literature and manuals locally- to ensure their work in falls prevention is evidence based and up to date.

WP5 Best Practice Exercise Regimen Network Development

WP5 will deliver tutor training to 3-5 health and leisure professionals in at least 15 regions over the first 18 months of the project. Later Life Training (LLT) has successfully trained over 4000 instructors in the UK since 2003 and achieved exemplary reach to older people with a history of falls through their evidence based, nationally standardised and accredited training.

WP6 Falls Data Definitions, Measurement and Harmonisation

The objective of WP6 is to create and implement systematic and comparable data collection systems which can provide objective measures of the impact and return on investment from prevention measures.

WP7 ICT and Technology for Falls Forum

WP7 focuses on the need to transform the quality and effectiveness of interventions for falls, including risk identification, fall detection, and promotion of complex interventions through the application of ICT-based assistive technology which can make an important contribution to the prevention and monitoring of falls in institutions and at home.


WP8 National and Regional Uptake, Implementation and Dissemination

WP8 aims to help partners implement their action plans and support them in developing innovative fall prevention strategies in countries in Europe – by increasing awareness of the issue and promoting uptake of proven prevention strategies by government, industry, professionals and organisations in areas that relate to health of older adults and fall-prevention in particular.