October 23, 2024

These are the good practice "Reference Sites" for technology for Falls

Posted In: Innovation Factory
  • Carmel Dickinson on: August 6, 2015 at 9:33 am #300083

    These are the reference sites that specifically relate to technology for Falls:
    • PROFITER Prevention of falls initiative inEmilia-Romagna Contact: Lorenzo Chiari [email protected]
    • T4H (Technology and Human Help at Home after Hospitalisation) Contact: Prof. Francois Piette [email protected]
    • Departamento de Salud Valencia-La Fe. More information http://www.lafe.san.gva.es/departamento-de-saludvalencia-la-fe
    • Home Automation and Telecare programme, Corrèze Department, France. Contact [email protected] University of Limoges

    Programme Manager
    Manchester Informatics
    Room 2.75
    Kilburn Building
    University of Manchester
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    Manchester M13 9PL

    Daniel Morley on: February 22, 2016 at 10:34 am #500763

    The Commission has recently launched a new call for reference sites on Active & Health Ageing, which is open until 15th April 2016. You can find out more details here

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