A Fear of Falling leaflet aimed at older people, from the Royal Liverpools Hospitals NHS Trust The leafle ...
Fear of Falling Leaflet for Older People (English)
Fear of Falling Leaflet for Older People (English)
Advices on nutrition (Norwegian & English)
Advices on nutrition (Norwegian & English)
LiFE – Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise: Reducing falls and improving function.
LiFE – Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise: Reducing falls and improving function.
The assessment and prevention of falls in older people (NICE Guideline)
The assessment and prevention of falls in older people (NICE Guideline)
Implementation of fallprevention programmes (review)
Implementation of fallprevention programmes (review)
Online Video: Falls Prevention and Bone Health (English)
Online Video: Falls Prevention and Bone Health (English)
Online Video: Improve your home safety! (English)
Online Video: Improve your home safety! (English)
Online Video: Risk factors for falls (English)
Online Video: Risk factors for falls (English)
Effects of falls prevention classes for older people – Video (English)
Effects of falls prevention classes for older people – Video (English)
Exercise: online Strength and Balance Exercises (English)
Exercise: online Strength and Balance Exercises (English)
Exercises: online Balance work (English)
Exercises: online Balance work (English)
Exercises: online Strengthening video (English)
Exercises: online Strengthening video (English)