This is the Italian version of the ProFouND Factsheets. The booklet includes these following topic areas: ...
ProFouND Factsheets (Italian)
ProFouND Factsheets (Italian)
Videoes of how to get down and up from the floor (Norwegian)
Videoes of how to get down and up from the floor (Norwegian)
Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Arabic Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) (English)
Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validity and Reliability of the Arabic Version of the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) (English)
Az idosek gyogytornajanak jelentosege az egeszseguk megorzeseben. (Hungarian)
Az idosek gyogytornajanak jelentosege az egeszseguk megorzeseben. (Hungarian)
Physical Activity Patterns of Greek Adults Aged 60-90 years: Age and Gender Effects
Physical Activity Patterns of Greek Adults Aged 60-90 years: Age and Gender Effects
The Influence of exercise on functional Ability of Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis
The Influence of exercise on functional Ability of Elderly with Knee Osteoarthritis
Neuromuscular changes during aging
Neuromuscular changes during aging
Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis- Evidence based Exercise Therapy
Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis- Evidence based Exercise Therapy
Rheumatoid arthritis: Exercise and Hydrotherapy
Rheumatoid arthritis: Exercise and Hydrotherapy
Low-Energy Hip Fractures; Special Considerations Regarding Physical Therapy Intervention
Low-Energy Hip Fractures; Special Considerations Regarding Physical Therapy Intervention
FRAT-UP: A web-based tool for evaluating the fall risk of people aged 65 or up living in the community
FRAT-UP: A web-based tool for evaluating the fall risk of people aged 65 or up living in the community